5 Slow Living Gifts To Enjoy (before the end of the year)

Unwrap these 5 slow living gifts immediately so you can move through the rest of the holiday season on your terms. Put them into action for more joy and peace. Imagine feeling more rested and relaxed at the end of the year, maybe for the first time. Experimenting with these gifts will help you to give yourself permission to slow down in other ways. Be gentle with yourself as you practice slowing down. These slow living gifts have several benefits. For instance, they …

  • don’t take up any space.
  • won’t cost you a thing.
  • can be enjoyed right away.
  • can easily be shared with others.
  • can make you feel better.
  • are sent with lots of love.

5 Slow Living Gifts To Enjoy Anytime

Use any or all of these 5 slow living gifts anytime you are feeling rushed, overwhelmed or anxious about your to-do list or calendar. These are great gifts for slow living beginners and experts. We all deserve to carve out time for how we want to spend not only the holidays, but our day-to-day lives too. Create a slow day or a slow life. As you notice the benefits of slowing down with these gifts, consider other ways to escape the rush and hustle-bustle. A little peace and quiet goes a long way.

1. Not-To-Do List (a slow living gift that will give you clarity)

In order to do what you want to do this holiday season, you have to be clear about what you do not want to do. We simply don’t have the time and energy to do it all. Create a Not-To-Do List and let go of some things to make room for others. I stopped sending holiday cards years ago even though it was a nice tradition. Going to the post office at the last minute is also on my Holiday Not-To-Do List. For more inspiration to create your Not-To-Do List, see item #3 in this article. Here’s one of my not-to-do lists.

Like the others, this slow holiday gift can be used throughout the year. Trade obligation for genuine interest when you consider how you want to spend your time. This will help you slow down your calendar or planner making room for more of the good stuff.

2. This gift is a Slow Living Pause

This is one of the most underutilized gifts of all. With this slow holiday gift, you’ll have less stress as you give yourself permission to pause …

  • before you respond to someone.
  • when you are overwhelmed.
  • before you add to cart.
  • when you need a little peace.

Here’s how to use The Slow Living Pause. Anytime you want, you can pause by taking a few deep breaths. You can pause by listening to your favorite song. You can pause by writing down all of the thoughts that are standing in the way of clarity. You can simply say to yourself and others, “I am going to take a moment.” Sometimes, in the hurry of the holiday season, you may feel like you need to rush in to the next thing or the next decision. That moment, when you feel the momentum swooping you up, notice your feet connected to the ground and pause. For more inspiration to pause, do it for more peace in your life. Practice pausing by not responding right away (maybe never) and remember why it’s important to pause.

Pause and take a little time to set intentions for the holiday season and the whole year. This gift of a pause is real self-care. It’s a true gift to you and everyone around you.

3. Embrace this gift of Now

If your holiday season tends to be a bit of a blur, this slow living gift of Now will change everything. Being intentionally present allows you to show up and take in what’s going on around you. As we begin the last month of the year, the natural pull is to speed up, to get ready for the holidays, finish all of the things we wanted to accomplish this year, meet goals and on and on it goes. We want to look forward planning for the new year. We want to look back and see how far we’ve come this year. In all of that looking forward and looking back, we forget to be here now. If you want to enjoy a slow holiday now, you have to come back to yourself. Here are a few ways to stay present. Being present will help you avoid holiday overwhelm and show up for your life.

4. The Slow Living Gift of A Shift

I love this slow holiday gift especially for those of us who stick to the plan even when it’s clear that it’s time for a new direction. The Slow Holiday Shift invites you to change your mind, change your plans and shift when it’s time to shift. For example, if you RSVP’d to a holiday event but are exhausted the day of the event, shift. Instead of pushing through consider how you can shift things to honor your energy. Perhaps you could drop by with flowers and wish the host well before heading home for an early, restful evening. To embrace the Slow Living Gift of a Shift, consider what you need to feel good. If you feel nervous about making a change, first calm your anxious heart.

5. The Slow Living Holiday Glow

This slow living holiday gift will make you smile. Get the Glow by allowing yourself to get carried away by the magic of the holiday season. I get the Slow Holiday Glow from reading by my Christmas Tree in the morning under a cozy blanket before the sun comes up. Walking in my neighborhood enjoying the lights, baking with my daughter and reflecting on a happy memory all create the glow. Sometimes we miss the Slow Holiday Glow because we are trying to do and control too many things. Even if the holidays make you feel sad or anxious, give yourself permission to enjoy the tiniest spark of a glow.

As you may have figured out, these gifts aren’t just for the holidays. You can use them anytime of year to take care of yourself, to feel better and to show up for your life. You don’t have to do them all at once. Pick the one you need most right now and carry it into your day. See if you can create more time and space for yourself, more peace and joy too. Adopt a slower pace with this gift idea. Slow things, gentle things, non-thing things are often the best things.

P.S. If you want to slow down on shopping, wrapping and shipping gifts, send your loved ones 31 Days of Gifts (starting December 1st).

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