Simplify Your Mornings: Create a Stress-Free Start to Your Day

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Note: This article to help you simplify your mornings is by contributing writer Tammy Strobel.

A well-crafted morning routine plays a crucial role in my self-care practice. This routine sets the tone for my day, keeping me grounded and unhurried. However, it wasn’t always this way. In the past, before I embraced a simpler lifestyle, my mornings were stressful. I would stay up too late, and hit the snooze button in the morning. As a result, I rushed to work. In short, this wasn’t a fun way to start my day! 

In this article, I’ll share how I transformed my mornings and lowered my stress. The tips provided below are based on my personal experiences. They are meant to serve as a starting point for anyone looking to simplify their morning routine. Feel free to adopt the ideas that resonate with you, and leave the rest behind.

Simplify Your Mornings: Creating a Stress-Free Start to Your Day

1. Prepare for your morning the night before.

It might sound strange, but my morning routine kicks off with preparation the night before. This includes laying out my workout clothes, writing to-do lists, and packing my bike bag if I’m working at a coffee shop. Making time to prepare for the day ahead eliminates my need to rush in the mornings, and it reduces decision fatigue. Depending on your lifestyle, you may have to prep differently the night before  including meal prep, school clothes and supplies for what other people need the next morning or next day. Accommodating for other family members or responsibilities will help you avoid the morning rush. Even a little bit of prep the night before makes a big difference.

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2. Maintain a consistent sleep schedule.

Adhering to a set sleep schedule, which includes a specific bedtime and wake-up time (use an alarm if you need to), has improved my life and will simplify your mornings. Getting enough sleep decreases my stress levels, and makes me happier. Plus, when I don’t get enough sleep, the mornings are tough. I tend to be grouchy; which isn’t fun for me or family members! Sleep well by letting go of these 7 things.

3. Limit screen time before bed.

One way to improve the quality of your sleep is by limiting screen time before bed—advice you’ve likely encountered before. However, have you incorporated this idea into your routine? It took me years to institute a habit of not looking at screens before bedtime. This new habit has been a game changer! By steering clear of screens, I find it much easier to unwind and successfully transition myself into a restful bedtime routine. If it feels hard to break this habit, try a tiny step and create 5-minutes of screen free time before bed. The following week, try 6 minutes and keep increasing it. Every tiny step counts.

4. Create a morning routine to simplify your mornings.

Once I created a nighttime routine and stuck to a consistent sleep schedule, my mornings became simpler and less stressful. Over the years, I’ve followed different morning routines like getting up super early and doing a big 1-hour workout. These days, I opt for doing less. For example, I make coffee, play with my cat, and journal for 15 minutes. My morning routine is simple, it gives my day structure, and I’ve discovered that doing less makes me feel good. You could try to meditate, do yoga, make a big breakfast, read a novel, or focus on a creative project in the mornings. The 5 AM Club, Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life suggests waking at 5:00 am and doing 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of reflection and 20 minutes of learning. The ideas to simplify your mornings are endless so choose what works best for you! Remember to experiment with your routine and have fun. 

5. Minimize decision-making. 

“Decision fatigue is a phenomenon where the more decisions a person makes over the course of a day, the more physically, mentally and emotionally depleted they become. A person experiencing decision fatigue struggles with executive functioning. This can have a wide range of consequences, including impaired judgment,” explain researchers at the Cleveland Clinic. To mitigate decision fatigue, I’ve streamlined the choices I make in the mornings. For instance, deciding what to wear in the mornings was a consistent problem, source of stress, and time suck. Simplifying my wardrobe by cleaning my closet and adopting the Project 333 challenge was helpful. I recommend doing both! 

6. Limit morning meetings.

I love getting my creative work done early in the mornings, so I try to schedule work meetings for later in the day. As a morning person, this change has saved me time and energy. It also gives me the opportunity to get a handle on work projects before work meetings begin. Understanding when you need calm, focused time and setting boundaries to protect that time makes a big difference when it comes to a simple, successful morning.

7. Avoid checking your phone. 

In the past, my mornings began with reaching for my phone, followed by opening my email or the Instagram app for a scrolling session. This routine left me feeling stressed and rushed before getting out of bed. I’ve made a conscious choice not to check my phone upon waking. Those social media apps can really drag you in. Instead, I prioritize my morning routine, which includes enjoying coffee, playing with my cat, and journaling.

It’s important to note that using your phone in the morning isn’t inherently negative. For instance, my husband finds joy in playing puzzle games on his phone, and some friends use apps for meditation or journaling. The key is to be mindful. How do your phone habits impact your emotional state? Do they contribute to stress, calmness, or joy? 

8. Do something creative or fun.

In my childhood, mornings were often filled with games and drawing, fostering creativity and fun. However, as an adult, I found myself adopting a more serious and rigid mindset. I’m actively working to shift this perspective.

I’m not a little kid anymore, yet I can still incorporate creative and fun activities into my mornings. As mentioned earlier, playing with my cat has become a delightful addition to my morning routine. I’ve incorporated this activity into my mornings because it is fun! My cat needs a good workout – just like me – and she makes me laugh and smile. This is a wonderful way to kick start my day. 

Parting Words … 

It is possible to simplify your mornings. Remember to craft a routine that works for you. And don’t forget that tiny changes – like setting a bedtime – can positively impact your mornings and overall well-being. If you want to simplify your mornings, choose one or two of the tips I shared in this article. Once you’ve incorporated these ideas into your routine, introduce a few more. Gradual changes will help you start your day and entire week with intention.

Resources to simplify your mornings 

  • 9 Small Morning Habits That Will Make Your Whole Day So Much Better by Anna Borges
  • 7 Simple and Healthy Ways to Brighten Your Morning by Courtney Carver
  • The Benefits of Journaling in the Morning (or Evening) by Tammy Strobel 
  • My Morning Routine: How Successful People Start Every Day Inspired by Benjamin Spall and Michael Xander 
  • Simplify your Mornings Playlist: music for slower, softer mornings. 
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